Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 3 in Texas.

Today I spent with my Dad, going through some things and visiting the veteran cemetary where my grandparents ashes are. I didn't come home when my grandmother passed away, she hadn't wanted a service or, I'm guessing, for anyone to be inconvenienced. It's very like her. It was a strange feeling going to where the ashes are kept.

And even stranger to be in a picture with the plaque covering them. I didn't want to smile, that seemed innappropriate, so the picture came out looking like the dvd cover for my drama where I solve mysterious war crimes.  After the cemetary, we went to check on her house, which is up for sale now.

She lived here as long as I knew her and it was another strange feeling to go there and her not be there. And also for all of her stuff to be gone.

That evening we went to another restaurant I love, the Italian Inn. It was very, very good.
After, I met up with my old roommate/bestie, Mike.

We caught up on things and noticed some older women hugging our waiter as they left.
Mike (to waiter): Any luck with those cougars?
Waiter: That's my wife bro.
Mike: (silence)
Me: (supressed laughter)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 2 in Texas.

Four Day Run-through

During the day, my mom, Shane, and I went out for Mexican food. I haven't had good enchiladas in ages, it was great. I didn't have a whole lot of time to hang around, I had to be at Four Day super early to go through the running order for their show that night.

Most of the regular cast (including the musical director and emcee) were away on a corporate gig, so there were 4 sit-ins for the show, plus the regulars Frank and Dave.
We went through the show order and then Frank took all of us to have dinner on Four Day.

Both shows were a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed playing and I am so grateful that I was able to. Four Day as a whole has had a huge influence on my improv and it was nice to come back and be a part of the show. It also gave my family a chance to see me perform, which I appreciate. They don't get to see me very often.

Plus I forever have the memory of waiting backstage, Frank dressed like Zach Galifinakis from the Hangover and me as the baby attached to him with a backpack, as he mumbled "We are adults. We are adults. This is the stupidest thing I've ever done. We are ADULTS."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My first day back in Texas the improv troupe I started in high school had a show.
I hadn't been able to see them play since I moved and my brother is currently a junior at the high school so he met up with me and we watched together.
It was fun and weird to watch them play in something I started so many years ago.

After the show, Shane & I met up with my mom & Jeff for...

Razzoo's...crawfish and shrimp en brochette (that's shrimp wrapped in bacon with a jalapeno center on a bed of dirty rice). It's a little like heaven. My heaven.

That night, Tim & I reunited to do our 2-person improv show, Yager Park, at Four Day Weekend.
It was so much fun getting to play with Tim again.
At some point during the show, I started thinking wow, this feels long. But we pushed past it and kept going. It turns out our show ran AN HOUR AND A HALF, as opposed to the 45 minutes we thought we were getting. I'm surprised the show was received so well, that's a long time to sit and watch bits.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Skate Rehearsal...After

The wonderful Jeff Griggs is working with All Skate while he's in town from boating.
We had a super fun and silly rehearsal where I laughed until my sides ached.

After rehearsal we converged outside and Jeff took a few steps away, assuring us he was just waiting for the bus. We insisted that he wanted to hang out with us and was waiting for an invitation.
I mean...doesn't he look kinda sad and lonely?
Dear Griggs,
Did you want to hang out with us? Do you need something next week? A ride, maybe?
Whatever you need, buddy. We're here for you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Costume Shopping

W.A.S. is doing a new version of our show as part of The Annoyance's Triple Feature series.

In this new version, we've decided that my character, Titanic, will be going on a date.
So I went and got her a dress...from Avril Lavigne's clothing line.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Scott's Bday

After HouseCo several of us went to celebrate Scott's birthday at Ten Cat.
Celebrating, of course, means drinking to excess.

Which led to this mystery picture...what could be happening??

Cue omnious music.
You'll never know...unless, I guess, you ask Scott. Then he'll probably tell you.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bacon Cheddar Ranch Burger

For Lent, Andi & I are having a Bacon Burger every Thursday.
Bacon wins. Again.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

CHOKE ON IT reunion!

Choke had our first show since Timmy returned from the boat. It also happened to be his first long form improv show in 4 months.
It was so, so much fun.

As usual about halfway through we all got the giggles and had to stare at the floor and avoid eye contact.
I can't remember what was said exactly - there was mention of being hit by a car and blood being everywhere...and later something about stomping someone's face in...then some choice "object work".
It could have been anything, really.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Texas Show Plug.

For those of you in the Fort Worth area, Tim Yager & I will be doing a 2-person show next Thursday.

Here are the details:
Yager Park
Thursday February 27th
Four Day Weekend Theater in Sundance Square
312 Houston Street
Ft. Worth, TX 76102

We haven't done our 2-person show in over a year.
It will be completely improvised and pretty much guaranteed to be weird. In a fun way.

All Skate was supposed to have a show last night, but it was cancelled due to no audience.
I blame Lost.

As you can see, we made good use of our free time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Offer Letter.

I was officially offered a full time position at the job I have been temping at for the past few months.
I am very, very excited about it.

Not only do I like the people here, but they also let me joke around with them.
It's a big change from the cranky stock brokers at my last company.

A job where someone can ask me to correct something because they made a spelling error and I can reply "way to spell, no-spell" is pretty much the dream. Or at least, it's my dream.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I often swing by the CVS that shares my work building for food or candy, and I find this box catching my eye all the time.
I understand that this brand means to say "oh, I feel like myself again".
But I always read it as "Me, Again".

Friday, February 12, 2010

WAS Meeting

WAS will be performing a new version of the show at the Annoyance in March, as part of the Triple Feature series.
I am excited to get to work with these girls again, they are tons of fun.
And I'm also excited to get to play Titanic again. Kohl's is having a sale on Avril Lavigne's line and I'm pretty sure Titanic would be all over that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mary Louise Parker

At Skate rehearsal last night I was once again compared to Mary Louise Parker.
I've been getting this more and more since Weeds started airing, and I have to say - I do see it.

Last night however, was the first time I've been told we also make the same facial expressions.
Maybe she's...future me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby doll.

Norm and I have started texting each other pictures of horrifying dolls.
He sent the one above.
So I sent this one:

Then he sent this one:

On and on that way.

I have learned that most people find these more disturbing than amusing.
But I really like them, they tickle me in a delightful way.
I think would like to start collecting them. I already have 2 sort of creepy dolls. But they aren't really comparable to these.

So if you see one...I want it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cubicle Decorations.

I have a meeting on Friday to discuss making this a permanent job.
This is great, for a lot of obvious reasons. But it also means I am more comfortable decorating my cubicle.

Down at the far end is the flyer for CHOKE ON IT, which a co-worker commented on in a sly way.
Obviously there's some innuendo there but I was surprised that it's the poster they chose to comment on. After all, the HouseCo slogan is "Come Inside".