Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr's Office, Waiting Room

So I did go to the doctor yesterday about those pesky migraines.
The neurologist, specifically.

The doctor was a very, very nice man who was also very, very jewish.
In his questioning it came up that I perform at Second City (are you ever under bright lights?).
"My son did something at Second City. Maybe just classes. I don't know. My son doesn't tell me anything."

I had a series of tests done, some of which seemed very odd. (Touch your nose, touch your finger, nose, finger).

In the end, I got some different prescriptions to try and I have another appointment at the beginning of next month to see how they are working.

I also had to have some bloodwork done...and I hate having blood taken.
Plus the woman butchered my arm...

Am I right? I mean, come on.
To be fair, the red mark on the left is because I'm allergic to band-aid glue. Sigh.
But that bruise/red mark on the right is all from the needle.


  1. Sory about the migraines. They are HORRIBLE. I randomly get them every month or so (knock on wood).

    That's so weird because I had blood tests done the other day and they had to poke me 3 times!! Ouchies.

  2. If they had to poke me 3 times I think I would have left. I can't handle it.
