Friday, April 30, 2010


So I've also been cooped up indoors for days and days and days.
I get very squirrelly, so sometimes, during the few evening hours where I feel okay, I often go out and look at pretty things.
Like shoes.

I like those shoes.
I can't believe I like those shoes.
They're stupid.
And awesome.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Z makes breakfast.

Being incapacitated with migraine...oh, about 70% of my week...isn't always terrible.
Sometimes your boyfriend feels bad for you and makes you bacon and eggs.
And doesn't yell at you too much when you give bacon to the kitty.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dinner With Norm

I had to have a big, house ensemble-related meeting with Norm tonight.
The upside to that is that Norm always cooks dinner and is an excellent cook.

This time was extra special, because the end of the meeting was Norm loaning me some comic books.
He has the most comic books EVER.
Including Iron Man #1. Which...he drew on with crayon.
Did your nerd heart just scream?
To be fair, he was 5 when he got it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Array of Migraine Stuff

I know I've touched on migraines a little, but I've been reluctant to go to in depth on this.
What with the whole, trying to be positive this year, it is kind of a downer.

But it has officially become a big part of my life.
I've been missing a lot of work, and they are nice about it but I feel terrible to miss so much.
I have to call my doctor all the time to try a new prescription because whatever I'm trying isn't working.
At best, it gets me down to a regular headache. Kind of.
A regular headache if regular headaches felt like your brain had a sunburn.

On the upside, between the hours of 2pm and 10pm, I'm sort of okay.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Knee Bruise

Today as I was hustling up the steps to the train station, some hooligan rapidly changed trajectory and jumped in front of me.
I had to stop suddenly and (of course) lost my balance, knee-planting into the corner of the step.
I hit it a couple times, this is one of 3 bruises around my knee.

So I slowly got up, limped back home (which isn't far) and iced my knee.
Then I very slowly and carefully went back to the train station and to work.

Maybe I should change this blog to entries on each of my many bruises?.
But maybe not, if nothing else I've learned that it's surprisingly hard to capture what a bruise really looks like with my camera phone.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Living Room

Here's a cute view of some of the changes Andi & I made to the living room.
That's our old sofa, with a classy slipcover over it. The pillows in the back are also the old pillows with covers on them.
And that's my bookshelf that I've been in love with for years and finally bought.

That's it for this entry, look at our cute living room. Look at it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr's Office, Waiting Room

So I did go to the doctor yesterday about those pesky migraines.
The neurologist, specifically.

The doctor was a very, very nice man who was also very, very jewish.
In his questioning it came up that I perform at Second City (are you ever under bright lights?).
"My son did something at Second City. Maybe just classes. I don't know. My son doesn't tell me anything."

I had a series of tests done, some of which seemed very odd. (Touch your nose, touch your finger, nose, finger).

In the end, I got some different prescriptions to try and I have another appointment at the beginning of next month to see how they are working.

I also had to have some bloodwork done...and I hate having blood taken.
Plus the woman butchered my arm...

Am I right? I mean, come on.
To be fair, the red mark on the left is because I'm allergic to band-aid glue. Sigh.
But that bruise/red mark on the right is all from the needle.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dan Dance Break

After shows, Dan treated Andi & I to some different dances.
One to a Dropkick Murphy's song...

And one to 'The Bear Necessities' from The Jungle Book...

It's blurry, but I think you can feel his glee.

So you may have noticed, there is a pretty big gap in entries for the past week.
That's because I had a series of increasingly bad migraines and didn't really do anything.
Other than lay in the dark and eat.
But not at the same time.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I really had to talk myself out of buying one of these.
"What are you going to do with a robot, Tabitha?"

They remind me of my Uncle, who collects old toys. I bet he would like them.

The girl one is even all sexy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I had to learn a monologue for an agency audition today.
I have not had to do a monologue in ages.

It took a while to find one I liked that wasn't completely overdone.
Luckily Amy directed me to one she liked and it was great.
In fact, the girl at the agency even commented on how much she liked it.

So...I did get signed.
I want to say finally, but I really didn't pursue it before last year.
And even then, I wasn't pushing that hard.
But I decided this year (as a resolution of sorts) that I wanted this to be something that I accomplished before next year.

I'm very excited about it.
Plus I have another agency audition set up for next month.
Things feel like they are moving forward now and that's good.
I need them to.

Oh, and before the audition I ran to the bathroom and was met with this:

Um...April Fools?