Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hidden Cove Karaoke

What was supposed to be a day at the beach was cancelled due to sporadic rain.
But Andi, Z, Dan, Ilana and I still went to Hidden Cove for karaoke later.

There was an unusually large and obnoxious crowd, so it took forever to get to sing.
I didn't go until right as we were leaving.
I still had fun though, people kept stopping me to tell me they liked my shoes.
That's really all it takes for me to have fun.
That and whiskey.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last night = Tired today

I did get to leave work early for a doctor's appointment though.
Then I napped for the rest of the day.
That's a win, folks.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Work Meeting

My company had it's first ever entire office meeting today.
Because there are so many people here we had to walk to an auditorium about 5 or 6 blocks away to have it.

It also ran over, leaving me very little time to rush home and eat dinner before Sketch had our tech rehearsal.
For those not in the biz, a tech rehearsal is when you run through the beginning/end of every scene for the purposes of light cues and not smashing into each other when it's dark.
This lasted til midnight.

We were the very last people to leave the building.
Lights were out, ominous gates were drawn.
It would have been eerie if I wasn't so tired.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Apartment a.k.a. The Slanty Shanty

It may look like the curtain is askew in this picture.
In reality, the apartment is slanted.

It's getting worse.
I'm pretty sure we can start charging people admission soon.

The good news is I will be moving to a new apartment November or December.
With Z.
Hopefully our apartment will be upright with lots of closet space.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Z brought Bearek Jeter a friend from New York.
Look! It's Meerkey Mantle!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another busy day, Zumba first.
I wish I could get a picture of class happening, but pulling out my phone while everyone is jumping around seems like asking for trouble.

I left a little early to catch a workshop with Joe Bill.

I always have a blast at these. I still really enjoy the learning process that comes with being an improviser.

Then another sketch rehearsal.
This one was mostly spent writing out the scenes that are going in, so we will have set lines.

The show has an official theme now, so we have homework to come up with an appropriate opening.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thanks to YouSwoop I had my first ever facial today.
I was very surprised that I found it super relaxing.
I don't know why, but I think I expected it to hurt.
It didn't.
Some things tingled.

Before that I had Yoga and Zumba. The Yoga class is new and the teacher is very, very calming.
Which is appropriate.
The teacher for Zumba is very, very gay.
Also appropriate.

Later Zach cooked dinner for us.

It was an early dinner, because I had to head to second city for rehearsal right after.

The show is really starting to come together and I'm looking forward to putting it up.
Which is good, since we only have 3 weeks before it opens.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tonight was Zach's first show back with All Skate.
Below he and Mike pose for their A&E original crime drama.

The show was fun, but the only audience members were a handful of frat guys who were very drunk.
They muttered thing during all of the shows that would have been heckling if it had been louder.

In other news, my new iPhone came today.
It's the best.
I'm pretty sure the camera on it is better than my actual camera.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Zach got back from the boat today.
The whole thing was a huge mess, not just for him but for every employee on this particular ship.
Even some of the second city cast left, which is pretty unusual.

To celebrate him being home we went to Hot Doug's and to see Toy Story 3.
Both were delicious.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our usual karaoke place was closed tonight because of the holiday.
So Andi & I went home and discovered several karaoke channels on YouTube.

Andi was excited to find 'Hava Nagila', which she had to learn for something years ago.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, July 2, 2010

On rare occasions I have to cover the reception desk at work.
They still use the switchboard from when the company first opened.
In 1967.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Novelty Golf

Dan, Ilana, and I headed out to Lincolnwood to play some miniature golf this evening.
There is a super fun course there called Novelty Golf; complete with drawbridges, trick holes, and a castle.
And a computerized sex tester...

(Ilana and I both got positive results. Dan got a bad one.)

Before playing, we stopped by the Bunny Hutch.
It's a hot dog stand straight out of 1950.

Possibly named the Bunny Hutch because of the creepy severed bunny head behind the counter...

Then we headed over to golf. They have 2 courses and we opted to do the 'Frankenstein' course.
Which includes an elephant.

Dan became very competitive when he realized I was beating him.
Then sort of furious.

Dan: How are you beating me?? How? Girls aren't good at sports.

Then he tried to cheat.

Despite getting hit in the head with the windmill blade(yep, that happened)...I still won.
Since if you can pinpoint the moment on the score card when that happened.
(Note: Dan is Iceman, Ilana is Dan Gordon, and I am Helicopter).

Did you find it?
I bet you did. Great job!

Bearek Jeter has a new home in my cubicle.
So far no one has yelled at me.