Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I've decided to start dressing up for work a little more than I have in the past.

Part of the reason is that since I have been feeling sort of down about the migraines, dressing up a little has been making me feel better.
Another reason is that work and shows and normal things were all sort of feeling the same to me. Then I realized it was partially because I basically wore the exact same thing for all of them, so nothing really stood out. It was all one blur.

But no more!
Part of dressing up means wearing heels more frequently.
I decided I wanted to do that, but not be inhibited at all by it.
So I've started buying different kinds of those gel sole/insert things that are made specially for heels.
And I have to say, worth it. I can run in my high heels if I want to, plus they are super comfortable.
All because of things like this...

...which I only discovered because of a commercial with Stacy London (right ladies??).
I think I will buy anything she tells me to.

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